#define MINIAUDIO_IMPLEMENTATION #include "AudioDevice.h" #include "common.h" gj::AudioDevice::AudioDevice() { ma_device_config config = ma_device_config_init(ma_device_type_playback); config.playback.format = kFormat; config.playback.channels = kChannel; config.sampleRate = kSampleRate; config.dataCallback = Callback_; config.pUserData = this; if (ma_device_init(nullptr, &config, &ma_) != MA_SUCCESS) { Abort("AudioDevice error"); } ma_device_start(&ma_); } gj::AudioDevice::~AudioDevice() { ma_device_stop(&ma_); ma_device_uninit(&ma_); } void gj::AudioDevice::Callback_(ma_device* ma, void* out, const void* in, ma_uint32 framecnt) { AudioDevice* dev = reinterpret_cast(ma->pUserData); std::lock_guard _(dev->mtx_); /* iterates all of effects and applies them to the current frame */ for (auto fx : dev->effects_) { fx->Apply(reinterpret_cast(out), framecnt); } /* count up the time */ dev->time_.fetch_add(framecnt); }