--- title: "Preview Changes" --- If you'd like to preview what your Quartz site looks like before deploying it to the internet, here's exactly how to do that! ## Install `hugo-obsidian` This step will generate the list of backlinks for Hugo to parse. Ensure you have [Go](https://golang.org/doc/install) (>= 1.16) installed. ```shell # Install and link `hugo-obsidian` locally $ go install github.com/jackyzha0/hugo-obsidian # Navigate to your local Quartz folder $ cd # Scrape all links in your Quartz folder and generate info for Quartz $ hugo-obsidian -input=content -output=data -index=true ``` Afterwards, start the Hugo server as shown above and your local backlinks and interactive graph should be populated! ## Installing Hugo Hugo is the static site generator that powers Quartz. If you'd like to preview your site locally, [install Hugo](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing/). ``` # Navigate to your local Quartz folder $ cd # Start local server $ hugo server # View your site in a browser at http://localhost:1313/ ```