#include "./sound.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util/math/rational.h" #include "util/memory/memory.h" #include "./effect.h" #include "./format.h" struct jukebox_sound_buffer_t { jukebox_format_t format; uint64_t frames; float ptr[1]; }; struct jukebox_sound_t { jukebox_effect_t super; const jukebox_sound_buffer_t* buffer; atomic_bool stop_all; size_t length; atomic_uint_least64_t frames[1]; }; static void jukebox_sound_affect_( jukebox_effect_t* effect, const jukebox_effect_pcm_t* pcm) { assert(effect != NULL); assert(pcm != NULL); jukebox_sound_t* s = (typeof(s)) effect; if (atomic_load(&s->stop_all)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < s->length; ++i) { atomic_store(&s->frames[i], s->buffer->frames); } atomic_store(&s->stop_all, false); return; } const int32_t ch = s->buffer->format.channels; for (size_t i = 0; i < s->length; ++i) { const uint64_t frame = atomic_load(&s->frames[i]); if (frame >= s->buffer->frames) continue; const float* src = s->buffer->ptr; float* dst = pcm->ptr; const float* src_ed = src + s->buffer->frames*ch; const float* dst_ed = dst + pcm->frames*ch; src += frame*ch; while (src < src_ed && dst < dst_ed) { *(dst++) += *(src++); } atomic_fetch_add(&s->frames[i], (src - s->buffer->ptr)/ch - frame); } } static jukebox_sound_buffer_t* jukebox_sound_buffer_new_( const jukebox_format_t* format, ma_decoder* decoder) { assert(format != NULL); assert(decoder != NULL); const uint64_t frames = ma_decoder_get_length_in_pcm_frames(decoder); const size_t length = frames * format->channels; jukebox_sound_buffer_t* buf = memory_new(sizeof(*buf) + (length-1)*sizeof(buf->ptr[0])); *buf = (typeof(*buf)) { .format = *format, .frames = frames, }; const uint64_t read_frames = ma_decoder_read_pcm_frames(decoder, buf->ptr, frames); /* usually read_frames should be equal to frames */ buf->frames = read_frames; return buf; } jukebox_sound_buffer_t* jukebox_sound_buffer_new_from_file( const jukebox_format_t* format, const char* path) { assert(jukebox_format_valid(format)); const ma_decoder_config cfg = ma_decoder_config_init( ma_format_f32, format->channels, format->sample_rate); ma_decoder decoder; if (ma_decoder_init_file(path, &cfg, &decoder) != MA_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "jukebox: invalid audio file '%s'\n", path); abort(); } jukebox_sound_buffer_t* sndbuf = jukebox_sound_buffer_new_(format, &decoder); ma_decoder_uninit(&decoder); return sndbuf; } jukebox_sound_buffer_t* jukebox_sound_buffer_new_from_memory_mp3( const jukebox_format_t* format, const void* buf, size_t len) { assert(jukebox_format_valid(format)); assert(buf != NULL || len == 0); const ma_decoder_config cfg = ma_decoder_config_init( ma_format_f32, format->channels, format->sample_rate); ma_decoder decoder; if (ma_decoder_init_memory_mp3(buf, len, &cfg, &decoder) != MA_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "jukebox: invalid mp3 buffer\n"); abort(); } jukebox_sound_buffer_t* sndbuf = jukebox_sound_buffer_new_(format, &decoder); ma_decoder_uninit(&decoder); return sndbuf; } void jukebox_sound_buffer_delete(jukebox_sound_buffer_t* buf) { if (buf == NULL) return; memory_delete(buf); } jukebox_sound_t* jukebox_sound_new( const jukebox_sound_buffer_t* buf, size_t max_concurrent) { assert(buf != NULL); assert(max_concurrent > 0); jukebox_sound_t* sound = memory_new(sizeof(*sound) + (max_concurrent-1)*sizeof(sound->frames[0])); *sound = (typeof(*sound)) { .super = { .vtable = { .affect = jukebox_sound_affect_, }, }, .buffer = buf, .length = max_concurrent, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < sound->length; ++i) { sound->frames[i] = sound->buffer->frames; } return sound; } void jukebox_sound_delete(jukebox_sound_t* sound) { if (sound == NULL) return; memory_delete(sound); } bool jukebox_sound_play(jukebox_sound_t* sound) { assert(sound != NULL); if (atomic_load(&sound->stop_all)) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < sound->length; ++i) { if (atomic_load(&sound->frames[i]) >= sound->buffer->frames) { atomic_store(&sound->frames[i], 0); return true; } } return false; } void jukebox_sound_stop_all(jukebox_sound_t* sound) { assert(sound != NULL); atomic_store(&sound->stop_all, true); }